/ Verification


Official List of Our Registered Crews 

The persons identified by their credentials and listed below are registered and verified members or contractors of Mara Moja Productions International Ltd and are authorized to investigate, report, film, photograph and record newsworthy events, incidents and persons only. This verification page and their identification card may also be used for other identification purposes when signed.

If you are on this page as a result of an emergency, please email our 24/7 Helpdesk on sos[at]maramoja.studio and immediately contact the local authorities. 


Hatim M. Hassanali

Executive Producer – News

Video Journalist

Investigative Reporter

Staff Number: M1P-007

Nationality: Canada & Kenya     


Shahidali Khaki


Video Journalist

Investigative Reporter

Staff Number: M1P-001

Nationality: United Kingdom & Kenya 


Bernard Kahindi

Production Executive

Video Journalist

Staff Number: M1P-016

Nationality: Kenya 


Sonny Mugambi

Production Executive

Video Journalist

Staff Number: M1P-005

Nationality: Kenya 

Legal Notice

Mara Moja Productions International Ltd is in no possible way responsible for the actions of the individual crew members who opt to / proceed to break the law, commit an offence or seek fraudulent access during official or unofficial assignment. Our crews are specially trained for various objectives and scenarios, and are briefed by a management executive / compliance director prior to deployment. Any actions outside of their working brief or outside of their working schedule shall be at their own discretion and liability.

Our crew list is frequently changing and new additions to our crew may not have been updated on this page at your time of viewing, in such a case, please consider their official identification credentials as valid and contact us for further verification if required. 

Mara Mojo